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Blog Sport de glisse - Sport d’aventure et sport de montagne

Different types of skiing Skiing, skis, alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, Freestyle, free skiing, Snowboarding

Different types of skiing

Long considered a means of transport and travel in countries with harsh winters, "Skiing" has become over time,...

27 Novembre 2019

Different types of avalanches and snow mountain specialties, skiing, avalanches, winter sports, Different types of avalanches

Different types of avalanches and snow

Today we give the floor to Didier Roche (of Ski Planet) who wanted to make an article of extension on the different...

27 Novembre 2019

How Alpine Touring Works? alpine touring, skiing, hiking, avalanche

How Alpine Touring Works?

What do you get when you combine hiking and downhill skiing? If your answer is "a lot of work," chances are you...

19 Novembre 2019